For optimum Health & Vitality Scientists recognize that most disease states are caused by oxygen starvation at a cellular level.
We receive most of our oxygen from the air around us, but breathing isn't always enough. With the new bio-oxidative therapies you can actually generate more oxygen in your body to achieve optimum health and longevity.
Highly recommended: Oxygen Healing Therapies (Nataniel Altman) describes bio-oxidative therapies in the context of holistic health.
Now updated and expanded to include recent discoveries, it assembles all the most reliable information about the therapies, how they work, and what they do to promote the healing process. Among these discoveries are medical ozone therapy and its promising effects on diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, and hepatitis, and intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy, which has had significant success in treating influenza, candida, and malaria. The author also shows how you can enhance the effectiveness of the different treatments through diet and the use of minerals, herbs, exercise, and visualization.